Thursday, June 08, 2006


There has been so many excellent commentaries regarding the market action since the May 10 Fed rate hike, I find myself coming up with an idea for an article, only to read that someone else has already written about it. Today, Instead I will point to an amazing article written two years ago by Richard Benson and posted on the Free Market News Network site. Here's a short quote from the article-

"mass retail stock investors act just like sheep. Indeed, for the major market participants, retail investors are there to get “sheared at market tops”. Somebody has to buy when the smart money wants to sell. Moreover, to keep the herd of retail investing sheep grazing on financial investments, there has to be a steady stream of “feel good” press. Therefore, the market is always fed happy stories by the Federal Reserve Governors, the Secretary of the Treasury, and, of course, stock analysts, telling the sheep all kinds of “horse hockey” that everything is all right with the markets and there has never been a better time to invest!"

I highly recommend reading this article because of its raw truth, plain English and insight into mass market behavior. You won't be disappointed. Please read THE FED AND PAVLOV’S SHEEP.


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